Cloud Cloud (VPS) Hosting Compared Over these past couple years, I've tried a fair number of cloud server providers to get a better idea how feasible each one of them are. To be clear, we're going to cover hosting for more general use cases opposed to solutions that are more geared
Linux High CPU/RAM Usage by "update-apt-xapi" So I've been getting warnings from my host lately regarding high CPU and memory use on my VPSs. From what I could tell, the offending process was update-apt-xapi - it would be consuming all the CPU time for hours and use quite a bit of RAM. Some research
VLC VLC 2.0+ Settings for HD Videos So VLC 2.0 is out and with touted features like Blu-ray playback, but it still has problems handling certain HD (e.g. 720p) files - like MKV for instance. What you can do is to go under “Input & Codecs Settings” in Preferences and set “Video quality post-processing level”